3.4 Communicating with XP-Partners

Before the session

You have to enter a session before you can use the chat.

Within the session

While in session you can use the XecliP chat views to chat with the session participants. There are two types of chat views:
Driver/Navigator Chat and Visitor Chat

While the Visitor Chat can be used by every session participant the Driver/Navigator Chat may only be used by Driver or Navigator. However it is possible for a visitor to use the Driver/Navigator Chat too, if he was granted speech right. See Act As Visitor for details about speech right.

If you have used a chat before you don't have to learn anything new. Just type in your message in the input line and press Enter or click on the button "Send". Your message will be send to all participants and displayed in the output window above.
If you start typing a notice is displayed on the participants side (e.g. in this picture "franka is typing")